Rock Process Ng Mach Ne N Usa

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) Carry the sew ng mach ne w th two persons as shown in the figure above. (caution) Do not hold the handwheel. 2) Do not put protrud ng art cles such as the screw-dr ver and the l ke at the locat on where the sew- ng mach ne s placed. 3) The under cover should rest on the four cor-ners of the mach ne table groove. Mount rubber

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Page 6 [For the direct-drive type] Attach the p ns and the rubber cush ons as shown n Table-fixed type the llustrat on and properly nstall the sew ng mach ne. 1 Rubber cush on (Black) x 2 2 Washer 3 Spr ng washer 4 Nut 5 P n 6 Rubber cush on (Gray) x 2 Attach the support ng board and the rubber seats as Semi-submerged type shown n the llustrat ...

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21 Memory back-up In case of a power nterrupt on, the pattern be ng used w ll automat cally be stored n memory. 22 2nd or g n sett ng fac l ty Us ng jog keys, a 2nd or g n (needle pos t on after a sew ng cycle) can be set n the des red pos t on w th n the sew ng area. The set 2nd or g n s also stored n memory. 23 Sew ng mach ne motor Servo-motor

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Rock Crushers & Pulverizers

Our engineers have designed a variety of rock and stone-crushing equipment capable of completing any job you may have. Although most of our equipment is constructed for heavy-duty, industrial projects, we do offer machines for …

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The sew ng mach ne has been set n the state that the data wh ch s necessary to set "W th/w thout ed t"... Page 32 Item Sett ng range Ed t un t Remarks Compensation of bar-tacking width, right - .00 to .00 0.05mm – Th s tem adjusts r ght s de outer shape of bar- tack ng sect on n terms of overedg ng sect on. Top of Bottom of Bottom of ...

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Fabric Edge Sensor & Tracking System

Conveyor p˜ns are one of the most cr˜t˜cal components of a warp kn˜tt˜ng mach˜ne. The f˜ber yarns are looped around the p˜ns w˜th tens˜on to stab˜l˜se the fabr˜c form. If a p˜n ˜s m˜ss˜ng or broken, then the f˜ber becomes loose and/or the fabr˜c has gaps result˜ng ˜n mater˜al loss. In

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Air Jet Weaving Machines | Air Jet Loom

As the best-selling air jet loom, the JAT series looms are used by customers all around the world. Based on the JAT concept "Weaving the highest quality fabric at the lowest possible cost", Toyota has embodied the desire to continue developing together with our customers while grasping the needs that change with time.

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21 Memory back-up In case of a power nterrupt on, the pattern be ng used w ll automat cally be stored n memory. 22 2nd or g n sett ng fac l ty Us ng jog keys, a 2nd or g n (needle pos t on after a sew ng cycle) can be set n the des red pos t on w th n the sew ng area. The set 2nd or g n s also stored n memory. 23 Sew ng mach ne motor Servo-motor

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World leader in design and manufacturer of small and medium scale hard rock ore processing and high-performance gravity concentration systems; Unique solutions for value-added benefits to …

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